Friday, July 25, 2008

Benefits of Sleeping On The Job

It seems the Spanish may have been onto something all along. Researchers at City College of New York sleep lab have found that a 45 minute daytime nap can help a person remember facts.

The brain files newly acquired memories into two main compartments. Those relating to skills go into our 'procedural memory' compartment, while those concerning facts-such as the stuff we learn from books, ducumentaries and from interacting with other people-end up in our declarative memories.

The experiment led by Dr. Matthew Tucker, a Harvard Medical School fellow, tested 33 people on their declarative memory capabilities to remember unrelated word pairs, mazes and complexe line drawings.

The volunteers who took a 45 minute nap at the start of the three hour break between memorising and testing performed much betterthan those who stayed in the lab and watched TV.

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